Toddler and Pets Animals

Whether or not you have a pet at home, toddlers should be pet-proofed as early on on as possible. Teach your toddler the following rules for safety's sake:
  • Stay out from dogs, cats, squirrels, raccoons, or other animals you don't know.
  • Stay away from animals that are unwell or behaving strangely. This will have to be your name for now. Some impure animals, however, may not have any obvious symptoms.
  • Stay way from a novel mother dog or cat who is by means of her babies: she will clash to defend her offspring.
  • Always go slowly when forthcoming an animal. Don't run near or ride a riding toy up to an animal: don't make unexpected group or jump about in front of it. (Cats are probable to run from a young child at play, but since toddlers can't unavoidably differentiate flanked by dogs and cats - and now to be on the secure side - this rule should be relevant to both species).
  • If a dog growls or is annoyed, don't run absent (the dog might give chase): in its place, roll up into a little ball on the earth and cover your features with your arms.


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